Elevate Your Special Occasions with My Expert Makeup Artistry!
Get ready to dazzle at your graduation, birthday party, engagement, or wedding with my skillful makeup artistry. Book now and make your moments unforgettable!
Why Me
Enhance your beauty with the expertise of a makeup artist with 7+ years of experience. Your flawless look, our legacy.
Experience the best with our finest quality high-end and drugstore products – your beauty deserves nothing less.
Simply share your desired look, and watch as my magic hands bring your dream to reality. Your dream look, my expertise.
Latest Works
Client review
"Akhirnya aku dipertemukan dengan MUA yang punya teknik 2nd skin alias natural look gini.🥹 Berasa gak pakai foundation karena benar-benar cuma 1-2 pump dengan flawless look. Gak oksidasi (foundienya emang cuco eym), gak cracky, ringan, konsep natural dan judesnya dapat banget 👌🙂"
Regular Makeup
"Lamaranku kmrn dimakeup in mba dilla & cerita bnyk termasuk mau pindah jkt. Waktu itu pas ibuku msk kamar langsung nyeletuk ke mba dilla pas liat makeup ku "cantik banget mbaa". Emang bagus bgt & pgn wedding dimakeup lg, tp berhubung pndh jkt, gpp aku doain sukses disana ya🥺"
Engagement Makeup
"kak dillaaaa!🥹🤍 PERCAYA DEH, MAKEUPNYA BAGUSSSSSS BGTT, AWET!!!!! approved by aku & adekadekku, pada cocok."
Wedding Makeup
"Btw kak dil makasih yaa make upnya kemarin suka polll awet banget sampe malem 😭 next aku mau make up lagi ya kalau ada event di Jakarta nanti hihi💗"
Concert Makeup
"This should be used to tell a story and include any testimonials you might have about your product or service for your clients"
Wedding Makeup
/per person
Suitable for your party, graduation, being a bridesmaid, or simply attending a casual event.
Basic price for makeup only, exclude transport fee, and before discount price.
/per person
Make your moments memorable. Perfect for pre-wedding, engagement, maternity, birthday party, or any photoshoot.
Basic price for makeup only, exclude transport fee, and before discount price.
/per package
Transform into a stunning bride with our exclusive makeup package, tailored just for you on your very special day.
Basic price for makeup only, exclude transport fee, and before discount price.